Someone asked me recently if they could pick my brain about getting a real estate licence. They wanted to do it part-time.
I think part-time jobs are great. My part-time jobs helped me when I was at university and the first few years working as an actor.
However, I felt deeply conflicted thinking about helping someone to potentially practise real estate as a side gig.
For me real estate demands a full commitment as it is deeply personal for clients with high stakes.
I’m working with families and individuals at critical stages in their lives: buying their first home, upsizing, downsizing, going through a divorce, dealing with the loss of a loved one and their assets, moving somewhere new with much uncertainty.
I’m helping my clients navigate these transitions with probably the biggest assets they‘ll ever own.
In order to do this effectively and professionally, I keep updated on changes in the industry, best practices in real estate, law and the mortgage industry so that I can do the best job for my clients. I respond promptly to my clients and colleagues to answer their questions regarding a listing or details of an offer.
Being a realtor is a time consuming job that requires a lot of skill sets, knowledge and dedication. Anything less than full commitment, to me, would be a disservice to clients.